
Great advantages of the continuous rolling door

The continuous rolling door is a product that is manufactured and assembled on modern, self-contained and automatic technology lines. Continuous rolling doors do not use interlocked door spokes, the body will be replaced by large seamless plates with the main material being stainless steel or alloy steel. Continuous rolling door has good anti-rust ability, very high life expectancy and is very suitable for the climate characteristics of Vietnam.

Advantages of continuous rolling door:

- Light weight: if we compare the weight of the shutter door with other rolling doors we will notice the difference when it is 40% lighter. This is because the body is made of colorbond sheet, the material is lightweight and combined with the power springs so the weight is greatly reduced. Thanks to this, it is much easier to operate with rolling door motor, rolling door control or manual operation.

- Speed ​​of opening / closing quickly: Rolling door is a product with a very fast and convenient opening and closing speed, in which door panels will operate in 15 - 20 cm/s, 3 times faster than other traditional doors. When the door is active, there will be no noise, it will not affect people's activities. The door also has good sound insulation, eliminating up to 90% of noisy sounds from outside to bring peace to your living space.

- Long life: Due to the high-grade aluminum alloy steel with modern production technology, the rolling shutter door has extremely high durability. It is able to withstand the harsh weather conditions due to its high-class  electrostatic coating. When your house is equipped with rolling doors you can use up to 15 years, much higher than other types of doors.

- Aesthetics and high security: when installing rolling doors, we will not have to worry about aesthetic problems because the doors are manufactured with various designs, designs so that it will perfectly fit the architecture of the house. yours. Moreover, the high-class rolling doors are also equipped with intelligent features to protect the safety of users such as security camera systems, sirens, anti-theft ... so it is very safe and secure. 

(Source: Vietnam Construction Magazine)